Program Information

Download the 2025 program changes and base dues
Download the 2025 program schedule
Download a complete set of program documents 
Download the program brochure


The base membership dues for Pipeline Members are $40 per county. The following elements are included in the base membership:


The Excavator program is directed toward all commercial excavators in the United States.  Key messages include the basic “Dig Safely” message, information about the use of one-call centers, how to recognize and respond to pipeline emergencies, and how to obtain additional information from the Association and its supporting members.  Program elements include an annual mailing of the Excavation Safety Guide-Pipeline Edition from the Association containing baseline messages, email campaigns, and a 4-year effectiveness evaluation.  See program overview for more information.

Excavator Direct Mail Program Outline

Geofencing Program for High-Risk Excavators


The Public Official program is directed toward local, city, county or state officials and other government employees with responsibility for land use and permitting, road maintenance or municipal-owned utility maintenance in areas where pipelines are located.  Program elements include an annual newsletter from the Association containing baseline messages with a cover letter including information about the members in their area, email campaigns, and a 4-year effectiveness evaluation. See program overview for full list of baseline messages included.

Public Official Program Overview


The Emergency Responder program is directed toward local, state or regional officials, agencies and organizations with emergency response or public safety jurisdiction over geographic areas with pipelines.  Program elements include:

  • A direct mailing of the Pipeline Emergency Response Guidelines booklet with links to virtual training resources and videos, the Public Official Newsletter-Pipeline Awareness and a cover letter with local emergency contact information
  • PipeVision, a mapping application containing specific information about member pipelines
  • An interactive training website with various pipeline emergency scenarios
  • The on-line training resource “Responding to Utility Emergencies”
  • A mobile-friendly, web-based application that will provide pipeline information for specific locations
  • A web-based listing of emergency response capabilities for pipeline members and emergency response agencies
  • Quarterly email campaigns to emergency responders highlighting various timely topics and reinforcing key messages
  • 4-Year Effectiveness Survey

Emergency Responder Program Overview


The Identified Site Registry Program is designed to collect information about Identified Sites from emergency response officials. The program is directed toward emergency responders to request assistance locating high consequence areas near pipelines. An annual mailing requests they input Identified Sites into the Pipe Vision application where it can be accessed and downloaded. Program elements include:

  • A mailing to emergency response agencies requesting assistance locating potential HCAs in their community
  • PipeVision, an online mapping application that collects potential HCAs submitted by emergency responders

Identified Site Registry Program Overview


The Pipelines Nearby program is directed towards municipalities, businesses, schools, residents, 911 centers and emergency officials.  The purpose of the program is to provide approximate pipeline location information along with general hazard recognition and response information for the five member pipelines closest to a specific location.  See program overview for full list of baseline messages included.

Pipelines Nearby Program Overview


Geofencing Ads target high risk stakeholders or areas to serve highly relevant ads based on geographic locations like fire stations or construction offices. Campaigns deliver key performance metrics including click-through rates, resource downloads, and engagement levels from targeted stakeholders.

Geofencing Program for High-Risk Excavators
Geofencing Program for Emergency Responders


The School program is intended to provide safety information to schools that would be directly impacted by a pipeline incident.  Program elements include:

An annual mailing of pipeline safety information (including a letter, pipeline safety brochure, and a school specific poster containing pipeline location map and other information)
Options for web meetings or on-site visits once every four years to each school
An interactive training website with specific school information

School Pipeline Safety Program Overview


The 811 Awareness Program with JJ Harrison is directed toward the general public in regions of the country where rodeo events are held. JJ Harrison is a well-known rodeo barrelmen. He advertises 811 on his jersey, barrel, trailer, and vehicles at numerous events throughout the year. He also provides attendees with information about 811 and “call before you dig” at these events. See program overview for full list of details.

811 Awareness - JJ Harrison Program Overview
JJ Harrison Sponsorship Flyer
2025 Event Schedule
JJ Harrison Rodeo Events Video (2 min)
List of Current Sponsors
Sign-up to support this program


The purpose of the program is to provide pipeline safety information to farmers across the entire United States. The program is a National media campaign involving the following elements:

  • Web content – print and digital media
  • Farmer’s Almanac – print and digital media
  • Peterson Brothers Partnership and Social Media
  • Targeted social media
  • Earned media placement in print and online publications
  • Partnerships with Ag Co-op’s (CHS)
  • Baseline Survey and Four Year Effectiveness Evaluations

The primary messages directed toward this audience will contain general pipeline safety information and are also intended to: Reduce misconceptions regarding the depth of pipelines; Encourage locate requests even when notification exemptions exist; Increase awareness of potential hazards regarding deep tillage practices. See program outline for more information.

Ag Communications Program Outline

POAS Sign-up Form


The Pipeline Operators Safety Partnership is committed to building partnerships between pipeline operators and emergency responders in order to share resources and provide education needed to safely respond to a pipeline related emergency.

POSP Website
POSP Sign-up Form


The Distribution Public Awareness Council (DPAC) is a member-driven non-profit organization for natural gas distribution utility companies in the United States.  DPAC members are interested in working collaboratively with their peers to address similar pipeline public awareness and community safety challenges and to share best practices for implementing and assessing the effectiveness of public awareness compliance programs required by 49 CFR 192.616. DPAC also provides a unique forum for members to develop consensus standards specific to distribution pipeline operators and to participate in the development of other industry standards for public awareness and community safety outreach.

DPAC Website
DPAC Charter
DPAC Sign-up Form


The Drain Tile Safety Coalition is a non-profit coalition working to reduce the number of accidents resulting from drain tile installation on farms by sharing best practices and safety information.

DTSC Website
DTSC Sign-up Form