Pipeline Emergency Resources for Responders and the Public

Emergency Response Guidance:


Guidance Document:
Shelter-In-Place or Evacuate?

A one-page guidance document providing considerations on when to shelter-in-place and when to evacuate during pipeline emergencies.


Pipeline Incident Response Checklist

The Incident Response Checklist provides a step-by-step protocol for safe and effective pipeline response, working in coordination with pipeline operators.

Find Pipelines Near You:

National Pipeline Mapping System

Access transmission pipeline maps and emergency contact information and download maps to include in your mapping programs. This tool is provided and maintained by the Department of Transportation. View a tutorial created by Paradigm with information about how to use NPMS.

PipeVision (For Emergency Responders):

PipeVision provides emergency response agencies detailed information about pipelines in their jurisdiction including an initial evacuation distance from the line during and emergency. The application also includes a mechanism for agencies to collaborate with pipeline operators by submitting information regarding populated areas (identified sites) near these pipelines.

PipelinesNearby (For the Public):

This application provides the approximate pipeline location information along with general hazard recognition and response information for five pipelines closest to a specific location.  However, it does not contain information for all member pipelines, only the members who have supplied information. 

Find Member Operator Contact Information in Your State:

Click on a state to filter the list below. Use the dropdowns to filter to the county level
Click on the Member Name for additional information

Emergency Responder Training Resources

Access FREE online training and resources for responding to pipeline emergencies.