Excavator Training Resources

State One Call Training

Okie 811 Online Training

The Excavator Education Program is a comprehensive online training course certified by the Gold Shovel Standard. Upon completion of this training, you will be fully educated in the law, rules, regulations and best practices for safe excavating in Oklahoma.

JULIE Essentials for Excavators

This is a 90-minute online training for any professionals digging in Illinois. 

Virginia811 Academy


Professional excavators can learn how to use the Virginia web ticket entry application in this 90-minute course.

CO811 iLearn

Colorado 811’s iLearn811 is an online learning platform to help excavators and utility companies in Colorado learn the One Call Law, Best Practices and how to dig with care. This class can be done on your time and at your pace.

Other Resources

OKIE811 Videos and Podcasts

Watch podcasts, recorded webinars, and other OKIE811 videos on YouTube.


The new, revised and updated MarineSafe811/ CAMO online training is now LIVE with a new chapter “Learning from Accidents”. This new training is in both English and the world’s first “Spanish” 811 marine online training – and training is always FREE.  

JULIE Videos

Find toolbox talks, safety presentations, and guides from JULIE.

Virginia Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act Training

VA811 is now providing online Computer Based Training (CBT) on the Virginia Underground Utility Damage Prevention Act.


- Thanks to our Supporting Partners for sharing these resources. -


For additional information on training available in your state, contact your state one call center or visit https://call811.com/811-In-Your-State.